Community Care Live offers a free seminar programme for registered social work professionals thanks to the involvement of our sponsors and exhibitors. To protect their integrity at this event, we are unable to offer free places to delegates with other job roles.
The following job roles are eligible to attend Community Care Live for free (please note this refers to access to the event, exhibition and the free seminar programme, but does not include the legal learning seminars which are paid for sessions):
- Registered social workers, with a Social Work England (or equivalent body) registration number
- Adults mental health practitioners
- Independent reviewing officers
- Practice educators and lecturers
- Occupational Therapists
- All students on a social work degree course or masters
- Alternative Social Care Roles (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, registered charity or justice system setting)
- Assistant / Deputy Manager (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, registered charity, justice system, education or health and social care board setting)
- Care Governance / Quality Assurance roles (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education or health and social care board setting)
- Care Manager (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, registered charity or justice system setting)
- Carer / Care Worker role (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education or health and social care board setting)
- Case Worker (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, registered charity or justice system setting)
- Commissioning & Procurement Officer (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government or health and social care board setting)
- Director / Head role (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education, registered charity or health and social care board setting)
- Early Help Worker role (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education, registered charity or health and social care board setting)
- Learning, Development & Workforce Lead (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education or health and social care board setting)
- Psychologist (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education, registered charity or health and social care board setting)
- Registered / Home Manager (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education, registered charity or health and social care board setting)
- Registered Nurse (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation or registered charity)
- Service Manager (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education, registered charity or health and social care board setting)
- Support Worker (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education, registered charity or health and social care board setting)
- Team Manager (if working within a local authority, NHS organisation, central government, justice system, education, registered charity or health and social care board setting)
Any other attendees will be required to pay the event fee of £395 + VAT, which is payable during the registration process. Paying delegates who wish to attend any of the legal learning sessions will also be required to pay the specified charge for each session they attend.
If you have any queries, please email us or call on 020 3915 9444.
NB: False declaration will not be tolerated and will result in your registration being cancelled.